hello and welcome to my web page. im lime and i like things. please enjoy your stay. neocities theme by joyboy.

lime fanfiction
intrepid traveller, you have found my fanfiction hovel. i post on AO3 but ideologically there's a lot I disagree with about that site (#anti) so i'm trying to have an independent spot to post my little things ^_^
pillow talk 11.27.2023
Baldur's Gate 3, Wyll Ravengard/Tav (original character), 1093 words.
Having giant horns added to one’s head kind of messes up your sleeping arrangement.
false consciousness 12.23.2022
Guilty Gear, Baiken/Millia Rage, 2628 words.
In which two women have a conversation about hypocrisy and revenge.
(stuff before here is from when i was in high school)
Luke 21:16 (or, parenthood in the end of the world) 06.14.2020
Neon Genesis Evangelion, gen, 550 words.
Burdens inherited from the generation before.
Dani & Yana's Midnight Adventure Tour 03.10.2020
X-Men (comics), The New Mutants, Dani Moonstar/Illyana Rasputin, 2345 words.
There’s an awkward minute of silence as Illyana tries to find her voice. Something about watching Dani in her pajamas makes Yana’s face heat up. “Hey,” she gets out after the pause, “Do you wanna… go somewhere?”

Dani raises an eyebrow. “Anywhere in particular?”

Two gals being pals on a spur of the moment midnight adventure.

you and i were made for bigger things 05.06.2019
X-Men (comics), The Avengers (2013 comic), Sam Guthrie/Roberto da Costa, Avengers ensemble, 1470 words.
Cannonball and Sunspot take some adjusting to.
night air 04.16.2019
X-Men (comics), X-23 (comic), Laura Kinney & Remy LeBeau, 1354 words.
It’s the lights that get her, every night. The Facility was always garishly lit, blinding fluorescent beams bouncing off every available surface all hours of the day. The clinical aura, the feeling of being watched, observed, forever crawling beneath her skin. She can’t remember ever falling asleep, she only has brief gaps in her memory to prove that she even slept at all back then. But she grew accustomed to the constant white glow, and now the darkness is so stifling she finds it impossible to breathe.